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Living With Uranium - Children Contaminated at schools - Behind the Uranium Curtain, Pocatello, Idaho

Samantha Dravis, Associate AdministratorJenny Bowen, Director Brittany Bolen, Deputy Associate AdministratorKevin DeBell, Acting Director
Tom Tyler, Acting Director
Elizabeth KopitsMatthew Dalbey, DirectorClark Wilson, Acting Director

To whom it may concern:
Concerning the exposure, your revelation, and dissemination of information regrading the airborne cancer inhalants and the contamination dangers to visitors is of upmost importance in Eastern Idaho. Urgent and utmost sincere care regarding these dangers will be a legacy that you do not want to be a part of.

Eastern Idaho is a Uranium Contaminated area. This is no light matter of concern. The work that is in progress with Safecast and others has revealed Eastern Idaho to be the Most Nuclear powder dust (Uranium Series) contamination area in the world. We are providing you some source site data, which is only in the early stages, but the extent is both devastating and huge. Beware that many groups in this region, and participants in the Federal hearings have little respect for your District 10 office. Independent scientists and citizen scientists have and are obliterating the cover-up and do not tell policies in this region. And the problem is far beyond information you may have or have not been willing to share, including areal meteorological fallout satellite data for events that take place quite regularly in this area. Of course the FMC Corporation Weapons division is ultimately responsible for the millions of tons of Uranium materials distributed over much of Eastern Idaho, in communities, in and on schools, irrigation canals, croplands, and food stuffs.
Be it known, that people will utilize the Great America Eclipse event to ethically inform both residents and and visitors to eastern Idaho where people here are trying to save their children. Cancer victims here have no regards for you or anybody else--they just want to live. The data will even show you the uranium series materials on the public school is loose powdered form. We could go on and on, but we are bound to inform you. And our "Idaho Eclipse" will indeed be utilized as a warning to save people and children from cancer causing inhalant exposure that is present throughout this region.

A little bit of the Story for our appeal to your ethic responsibility:

“9 LIVES and 9 WHYS” - Tribute to Michael “Ethically we are required to inform you.

News of the poisoned uranium air and soils in the Pocatello Valley Uranium contamination crisis has reached an ever growing audience around the world, especially with the new technologies providing detailed information on contamination sites (see “Safecast Pocatello Valley”) . The basics are now known: the Republican governor, Clement Leroy "Butch" Otter and the Idaho Legislature (Including Idaho Legislators Past- Roy Lacy, Elaine Smith, Mark Nye) nearly nullified the right of free elections via Local Public Ballot Initiatives, not only Pocatello, and Bannock County, but throughout Idaho where ongoing efforts to initiated clean-ups via Local Public Ballot Initiatives-- by going around corrupt Pocatello and Bannock County Officials.. When the governor’s office discovered what is going on here in the uranium filled Pocatello Valley and just how toxic it is, they decided to keep quiet about it and covered up the extent of their involvement in and damage done thereby allowing thousands more to be contaminated and killed slowly by cancers of the damage of the Pocatello Valley residents, most notably the that affecting the children, causing irreversible and permanent brain damage from heavy metals in addition to the innumerable rare and strange cancers caused by these uranium materials. Citizen activists have been uncovering these corrupt governmental action for many years and still no restitution, and clean-up. The governor and all Pocatello Valley local politicians now face growing cries to resign or be arrested.

Here are ten things that you probably don’t know about this crisis because of control of the local private media, having come to the story only intermittently and way too late, can only process so much. But if you live in The Pocatello Valley area or Idaho as I do, you know all to well that what the greater public has been told only scratches the surface.

1. While the children in the Pocatello Valley were given poisoned water to drink and contaminated air to breathe, the FMC Corporation remained upwind or with their Philadelphia headquarters far away your children and loved ones contracted cancers year after year since the arrival of FMC, and especially after the distribution throughout much the Pocatello Valley of the toxic material by Bannock Paving Company, (AKA Parsons) the UPRR, City of Pocatello, Pocatello/Chubbuck School District #25, and Allan Elias of the “Cyanide Canary” infamy!

2. Just a single letter from any Non-corrupt Pocatello mayor could have saved thousands. Even the participation at the Federal hearings testifying to that fact could have saved thousands. But alas, only a few responsible and caring individuals testified in those hearing defending the citizens. Among then was Idaho Lorax, and now part of the Idaho Lorax Group, PINCOCc Pocatello Independent Nuclear Contamination Oversight Clean-up committee. This Crisis Could’ve Been Prevented. Federal law requires that action be taken within 6 months regarding exposure to homes and human occupied properties. But to date, noting but governmental cover-up, Do Not Tell, and attempted suppression of the IdahoLeaks network. Sure there is an EPA Uranium Catchment in Sacajawea Park --a city par-- but they want you to think it’s just their graces to providing us with storm-water improvement project, that takes water and uranium sediments from the uranium contaminated College District to dump it in a Beaver pond across town and across the river.

3. There’s more than just urine in our water. There are lots of heavy metals and Uranium materials, just try ‘Panning for Uranium’ in the Porteuf. It’s fun, but keep it in the water, you don’t ever want to ever breathe it in! And indeed, it is the airborne issues that are really scary beyond imagination. And soon the snow will be gone, and the uranium source areas will be dry and ready for lift-off in the Pocatello Valley Windy City*. So soon, in addition to exposing every child in the city of the Pocatello Valley to uranium and heavy metal contamination on a daily basis, there are a multitude of other ailments brought on these contaminates by reducing the immune response. And we are not just referring to LUDS Disease, but leukemias galore. (*Our most recent tragic radioactive contaminating Dust Storm occurred, May 12th, 2017. Most everyone got dosed in cancer inhalants.)

4. People usually don’t want to be sold a home contaminated with uranium materials throughout their homes, yards, driveways, and alleyways. But in The Pocatello Valley there is a rush to sell unsuspecting young striving new families and business owner’s properties contaminated with uranium materials. And they are doing it by breaking the law. It is illegal to dump, or sell, or distribute uranium materials to anybody in Idaho! But that doesn’t stop the Bannock County Development Corporation, or the Greater Pocatello Chubbuck Association of Realtors. Or the Satersfield Development, Heck, no. The Pocatello City Council has there Realtors on the City Council selling people Uranium Contaminated Properties. And the Assessor’s office? They just look the other way. And you wonder why there are so may empty properties in the Pocatello Valley. If you knew, would you buy a house without having it checked with the proper equipment and the EPA. Beware corruption in the Western Office of the EPA. So, as for employment, and in addition to being poisoned and nuked, who is going to move jobs or start a company in the Pocatello Valley under these conditions? No one. Not unless you’ve been duped by the Pocatello City Government, right Amy. Have the Pocatello Valley Governments simply wanted us all to suffer more and more for their greed? We thought they locked up Allan Elias?

5. While we were being poisoned, we were also ‘Guinee Pigs’ for Idaho State University and the Pocatello Medical Center. Here’s a story which has received little or no coverage outside, or within except via of the Pocatello Valley Voice -US. The cancer data, just 5 years ago, was said to not exist by several agencies. In addition, of the 2 known cancer epidemiology studies of the past, one was stolen just before release, and another by removing the ISU professor involved in it. Once the information was finally provide to IdahoLeaks, there began another order of events to water down the data by excluding cancer categories in the total etc. As a big profitable experiment by PMC and ISU we surely helped the Hillside Palace thrive until people of the Pocatello Valley just start running out of money.
6. In Idaho, from the Pocatello Valley water, to Crime and Murder, to FMC Weapons Corporation contaminating much in Eastern Idaho, all just to increase background radiation levels and make Billions and Billions of dollars in profit from a single local operation, --with JR Simplot having to take most of the blame. It’s a FMC Culture of Death. Railroad ballast workers—all dead of cancers and leukemias. Uranium in the sand-boxes at schools. The City of Pocatello using crushed powered uranium materials to sand the roads through a winter. The Pocatello Wellness Center surrounded by loose Uranium materials, the Bannock County Fairground reeking still with uranium in loose powder nuclear fallout! Instead of simply fixing the problem, leaders, Idaho legislature, local politicians, supposedly protecting agencies, and mid-management staff covers it up from the public. Didn they even ever clean-up the Uranium on the public schools? No. Just examine the data uploaded on and visit Pocatello and beyond.

7. Don’t Call It “Background Radiation or even gamma radiation! This is Radioactivity. Otherwise know as radioactive ionizing alpha/beta particle cancer inhalants materials. Where Zillions and Zillions of these particles are in each singe dust particle. More than 1 of 2 atomic workers are suffering or died in the USA from just 10 states that were examined! The McClatchy DC “Irradiated” report released case histories of 107,000 nuclear OSHA Workers claims. Nearly $200,000,000 were collected by eastern Idaho claimants alone. That’s 200 million!

8. Most of our children have been needlessly exposed to known proven carcinogens, as have All the adults, including this writer. That’s just a fact. If you have lived in Pocatello, your life expectancy depends on where you were when the wind blows, whether or not you were breathing the dust, or are living on property with loose available airborne uranium materials that contributed to your diet, your activity posture, your dry time local outdoor exposure, and if you live or have lived in either Ground Zero uranium source areas of Zones 1, 2, or 3.

9. This was done, like so many things these days, so the Greedy Could Rip-off Your Soul, as well as your lives, your children’s lives, and your loved ones. When FMC entered your lives in 1949, Uranium Fever was high, and the money was there for the taking. The military and ISU tried to stop them in the 1950’s. Others tried again in the wake of cancers in the late 1970’s and through the 1980’s and into the 1990’s. Then FMC went to Boise to bribe them, then back to ISU to bribe them. Then a lone Greenpeace organizer, brought in the Downwinders, and helped others to reorganized with M.A.D. Mother Against Death and it all culminated in exposing the dangers, telling the of truth, and finally having the uranium materials made unlawful to dispose of, sell, or obtain. Now with Billions of dollars available for clean-up and billions more for wrongful death and cancer medical support, are we to just to roll over and die, or throw out all the crooks out. Corruption has already shown it’s ugly self by suppression of our human rights, our freedom of the press, freedom of speech, as well as tampering with the election process. And as cover-up and Do Not Tell remain the modus operandi of our small minority of elected officials. Will life go on…? So far we are moving to suspend democracy, make easy money for the Bannock County Development corporation, feed our children uranium for lunch (Tendoy School or at many others), and just let the crooks rule your lives. That is LUDS Disease’s largest and most destructive result and outward expression in the Pocatello Valley. ..Thou I walk in the…

#LivingWithUranium #UntoldStories
For more info:

ETHICS REQUIRES WE INFORM YOU.   (Go to Pocatello Valley – For ISU and Pocashima and Chubnobyl 
School Contamination Data Up-Loads up-dates.
Contact: Mothers Against Death – Discussion Group  - Now famous as the only community to send their children to uranium contaminated schools with cancer Uranium material inhalants.
More information: Please connect with: FB: Safecast Pocatello Valley     FB: Living With Uranium    FB: Mothers Against Death – MAD
FB: Pocatello Valley Voice – US and it’s section of “Living With Uranium” or Just Google: “Living With Uranium Pocatello” and click ‘IMAGES’       CLEAN-UP  - NOT COVER UP


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