Millions of tons on Eastern Idaho Cities!
LIVING WITH URANIUM: ALL WE CAN DO IS TO INFORM YOU. The Choice of what you are willing to live with is all your own. But please do not bring the children with you. ZONE III Uranium Contamination source areas. History: The First up-rising regarding the Uranium materials contamination began in the University Housing District and Washington Elementary school in the 1980's with the culmination of M.A.D.'s (Mothers Against Death) success of exposing the dangers and getting it outlawed for use, distribution, deposition on properties. Today, 2018, and the materials have still not been removed nor cleaned up by the EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, nor the City Government, the Pocatello Board of Trusties for Pocatello/Chubbuck Schools, nor the Health Department SIPH. A classic example is Tendoy Elementary School where the deadly materials still have not removed from Pocatello schools, nor from areas adjacent to our children's public schools. The resulting actions o...
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