TENDOY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL URANIUM WARNING - UNHEEDED - Living With Uranium TENDOY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL URANIUM WARNING - UNHEEDED by SD#25, mayor Brian Blad, and Pocatlelo City Council, Jim Johnston, and Steve Brown and the rest of them. As we move closer for an ever more important election for Pocatello's Future, to Make the Great Uranium Clean-up happen in Pocatello, as we help Chubbuck, Idaho happen, or are the People and citizens of Pocatello really that uninformed and "stupid is as stupid does" and choose to Keep LIVING WITH URANIUM? We have not heard a single peep out of any of the candidates except Mr. Sierra Idaho Lorax. Billions of Dollars are here for clean-up and billions more for wrongful death and cancer treatments. Even Forest Gump could see through the forest of thorns surrounding this nestle city wrought with Cover-up and DO NOT TELL. #Pocatello #IdahoLorax #IdahoLoraxx #Uranium #LUDSdisease #PocatelloCityHall #LivingWithUranium #BehindTheUraniumCur...