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School Teachers With Guns



I see we're gonna have to throw this in your face again! Does anybody care about their children?
I was one of the wildest students any teacher grades 3-12 ever experienced, I guarantee it. The thought of some of those teachers carrying guns in some of the situations I put them in is terrifying.
"Prof Paul Musgrave points out some questions that would need to be answered to arm teachers:

- Which teachers get guns?
- Where will the guns be stored?
- Who decides when guns can be brandished?
- What penalties will apply if teachers mishandle a weapon?
- Will teachers volunteer for gun duty?
- Can teachers refuse it?
- Who will audit their adherence to regulations?
- Will students know which teachers have weapons?
- Who will be liable if the teacher with the gun becomes the shooter?
- What will be the consequences when students are accidentally shot by a teacher?
- How will armed teachers communicate in a tactical situation?
- Will teachers with a history of mental illness be allowed to use weapons?
- Will teachers be required to disclose any history of mental illness?
- Will teachers be issued a weapon? Reimbursed for purchase? For ammunition?
- How will administrators conduct non-weapon-related discipline against a teacher? Will there be armed assistance available to deter workplace shootings?
- Who will shepherd the armed teacher’s classroom while the teacher is attempting to locate the active shooter?
- What happens when a teacher misidentifies a student as a threat in good faith?
- Will teachers who do not carry lethal weapons be offered non lethal alternatives?
- If an armed teacher is shot, can another teacher employ his or her weapon?
- How will armed teachers identify themselves to arriving first responders?
- Will armed teachers be required to learn how to give first-response medicine?
- Will armed teachers be required to attempt an arrest before using lethal force? Under what circumstances?
- Will proficiency training on weapons count for teachers’ continuing education and professional development?
- How will insurers adjust health and other rates to account for the presence of armed employees?
- Will teachers receive additional pay for being armed?
- how often will armed teachers be re-evaluated for licensing purposes?
- Will armed teachers leading field trips deposit their weapons in a personally owned vehicle or school-owned transport?
- Will one teacher per wing of a school building receive weapons? Two? Three?
- Exactly which standards will count for proficiency—greater than a big-city police department, State Police, FBI, hobbyist, marksman?
- In training scenarios, how will using force against innocents be penalized?
- Will racial sensitivity courses be required?
- Do parents have a right to refuse to send their kids to schools with guns?
- Will students have to sign waivers? Will parents? What if a parent signs a waiver for a minor student who, when that student turns 18, refuses to abide by its provisions?
- Will teachers on probation be allowed to carry weapons?
- What about teachers with active union grievances? Complaints about sexual harassment? Anger management?Divorce proceedings?
- Will armed teachers wear holsters? Will they be stationed strategically during pep rallies or other gatherings? Will they participate in lockdown drills as if they were armed or unarmed?
- Will funding for the policies outlined above be distributed according to local budgets, statewide formulas, or national formulas?
- Will schools in high-risk neighborhoods receive more or less funding? Suburban schools?
- What is the right ratio of armed:unarmed teachers by grade level?
- What is the procedure for debriefing and assessing armed teachers’ performance during a crisis?
- Can an armed teacher who flinches be fired? Can an armed teacher who breaks protocol be rewarded?
- Will preschool teachers have guns?
- Will teachers in “juvie” (high risk) schools have guns?
- Will the teacher or the school be liable if their gun is stolen?
- Can administrators carry weapons? Can they do so in disciplinary situations?”


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