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I Stand With Wolves - Karen LaFountain


It was the night. A time when nature turns down it's volume, and peace lingers on cooled and windswept vistas.

  It was a time when the wolf could take stock of his days endeavors, and of his family's role played out in perfect unison.

  The days hunt was successful and all the young pups lay sleeping in a soft and warm den made by their mother. The alpha, a strong, resilient and admired leader watches over his pack with pride and love. His mate lays close by his side in hushed and contented slumber.

  This pack lives each day to continue the circle of life given by the great one. They do not take what is not theirs for the taking. They do not act glutenous, imbibing in kill to waste. They feed their family and take no more. The wolf gives back to the forest, fosters health in their prey, and gives thanks in the howl understood only by his kind and perhaps the moon.

  But, in spite of all the good that the wolf is to each other and to the ecosystem of the wilderness, he is persecuted for being noble. Hated for having stealth, and killed for what he is capable of, but shows much restraint from doing. He ventures into forbidden territory as an action necessary to ensure his family's survival and only does so rarely.

  Yet for living a life of simplicity, he is hunted down, forced to watch as members of his family are viciously and unethically trapped, snared, and murdered in droves.

  He must run for his life daily, and why? Because man in his infamous ignorance will not be bothered by the small concessions it would take to oversee harmonious coexistence and compliance with natures code, to live and let live. Coupled by man's failure to possess the tenacity to seek out proven science that could be beneficial in his rush to judgement.

  Man is lazy, looking for quick albeit, haphazard cures to what ails him. Man cannot be bothered to guard his stock, keeping them on safe soil, allowing it not to stray into the wolf's sanctuary. Man remains steadfast in his pretentious and illogical quest to rid the world of an apex predator whose whole existence ensures balance to the realm that man in his infancy cannot hope to comprehend.

  So, tonight as the weary alpha shoulders the weight of his packs survival he wonders at what length must he go- to ensure safe passage for he and his pack.

  Tomorrow, the wolf will begin anew in his quest to feed and commune with the forest's forces. Being ever mindful that death awaits his every step. And his only chance at survival resides in the hearts and actions of those advocates who remain bonded at his side through knowledge of biology and science. And their relentless efforts, forever teaching others to see the wolf as he is, not what shortsighted naysayers say he is. This and the advocates ability to love something other than themselves, making the world see how senseless and harmful the uneducated heathen is to the wolf's perpetuation and survival.

By Karen LaFountain


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