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33 Reasons to Join the Idaho Challenge

33 REASONS TO JOIN THE IDAHO CHALLENGE: --Every One, Every Where, Register as a Write-in Candidate and Run to change this dialogue!

>>>That's what happens with all this homeschooling crap where you can pick and choose what goes on the curriculum. Facts are facts 'alternative facts' are propaganda.

> A lot of the school shootings are from previous students that went their ..not because you choose to homeschool.
> My daughter homes schooled her kids, not because of religion, not because she wanted to use propaganda, but because the schools in her town totally sucked! PS - Her kids have not shot anybody!
> The point is not that the shooters are home schooled. Sheesh.. I mean seriously! How do you get there?

>>> I liked it when we used to care for the village idiot, but not elect them to office.

> I know 8 years of Obummer was 8 years too much. Most school shootings during his reign. Long live the community organizer!
> Just out of curiosity, how does your brain do that? How does it completely ignore what is happening now and project fault on someone who actually tried to find a solution, tried to do the right thing for the people and was blocked at every turn? How do you justify the scandals, the indictments, the mountain of evidence piling up against this complete con man and his administration? Is that all just a hoax? Fake news? A "frame job"? That much smoke means there was a huge conflagration of wrong-doing, not that it's all just fabricated. They're actually discussing if a sitting president can be indicted, and we don't even have half the information Mueller does. Trump's 'poor me' isn't going to get him out of this, even if they wait until he's no longer a sitting president, it will catch up to him.
> We warned you about the “village idiot” Dubya but again the majority of voters sat out and didn’t vote.
> THE POINT is the dumbing down of the country that's the result.
Where elected officials who are, in theory, supposed to be the "leaders", go out and make statements like:
*Too many doors in schools (yes! fire codes, you dumbf*ck)
*Sea level rise due to rocks falling in (yes! They're called ICE that's melting)
*Dinosaurs roamed the earth with Adam & Eve (really?)
Get it now?

>>> All our governing officials should have to pass a basic knowledge test before allowed to run for office.

> Then you'd have everyone getting in arguments about the content of the test itself....nah, let them sit in a fking corner until they figure it out on their own..
> Maybe the voters need to pass an IQ test first! --and a drug test! --And a morals test!
> I had to make a high enough score on a standardized exam to get into college. I had to make a high enough score on a standardized exam to be admitted into nursing school. And each semester I must pass a national standardized exam to stay in school. I think requiring similarly of our elected officials is not out of the question.
> This is not necessary. Donald Trump has a really high IQ and he is literally a genius. He's smarter than us and we need to just support him, and show some respect.

>>>> Ex-f*cking-xactly. See what he did there, people? He said "we"'---"we" shouldn't be putting morons in power anymore. This is really our fault; we need to start holding ourselves accountable and taking responsibility for the state of a government we vote for, or don't vote for.

> Are you announcing that you're leaving? Why? Just go... nobody cares
> Derek Lotz , I'm announcing, yes. I hate fake shit!
> I'm responding to this comment! Everyone look at me!
> Or know....tell the person politely the info they shared could be wrong instead of bitching on fb bc they got one fact wrong, make people learn instead of slamming the door on intelligent discussion. Just a thought.
> if I had shared that, believe me, my trump supporting family and friends would have used it to discredit everything that I post. I don't have time to fact check everything. One fake post and I'm out!

>>>> There's really nothing we can do. Our only option is to pray more. Clearly, we're not praying enough. We need Americans to Pray HARDER!!

>Maybe more exorcisms as well. Seems the devil is running rampant in American schools. If is not guns, or mental illness, then it must be paranormal.

JD Evermore


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