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From Serial Murder to Mass Murder: A DJ Williams projection into our reality.
Can Mass murder happen in Radioactive City, Pocatello? 

Radioactive City, Pocashima by it name alone exposes this dilemma here. The obvious answer is most definitely. definably, and definitively a YES. Not only could Mass Murder occur here, but it has been underway for years Killing you softly, but killing you none-the-less! By the very nature of LUDS Disease and the unaccountable massive amounts of radioactive materials in our surroundings, it is difficult to escape it during the dry times of the year without adequate protection, respirator masks, and of course a simple b-Geigie nano Geiger counter.

In this regards, can DJ Williams’ theory of ‘leisure’ play a role in our demise. At first we may react and say no, but let’s looks at the background of the “Worst People in the WORLD” here in this region. Let us look at planned greed and selfishness as a planned leisure project.

According to leisure theory, diverse enjoyable activities are structured according to a continuous scale ranging from casual to serious. Casual leisure is spontaneous, often playful, and requires little to no skill. Serious leisure takes planning, effort, perseverance, skill acquisition and determination. But Williams said there is also a third type: project-based leisure, an infrequent project where details are carefully planned out over months or even years of time.

Radioactive City was not created over night, significant meetings and planning took place, both as individual players and even groups like our BANNOCK COUNTY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL, where The Planning & Zoning Council members are volunteers that are appointed by the County Commissioners—Members of the Worst People In The WORLD! And let us not forget, the the Pocatello Planning and Zoning Commission which consists of 7 members serving 4-year terms. Chosen my the mayor and city council. The Commission is responsible for recommending to the City Council a comprehensive land use plan for use in the city and appropriate changes in zoning and land use. A major function of the commission is to review and analyze complex land use issues to assist the City Council in reaching final decisions on such matters. So we reiterate: People have been planning your demise for years, either too afraid to speak out or too greedy to be left out. However you examine it, someone made a lot of money off of your loved one’s sufferings from cancer and LUDS Disease’s innumerable ailments.

According to Williams, many mass and serial murders can be classified as specific forms of deviant leisure, according to his research. Unlike serial murder, which is often but not always a form of serious leisure, he suggested that many mass murderers structure their killings as unique leisure projects. They enjoy planning the minute details that will take place on the day of their attack.

Some Examples are: The continued directive by our school board trustees to keep sending your children to schools where they are blatantly exposing your children to radioactive substances in enormous amounts relative to the amount needed to kill and debilitate them. Another of course is the City Council of Radioactive City. A truly despicable group of people that has and continues to benefit from your demise. A group supposedly servant s to the people, but who not only continue to allow and encourage the continued contamination, but constantly involved in cover-up, Do Not Tell policies and outright corruption when refusing to eradicate the problem. They simply ignore any accountability of the radioactive materials while allowing some to continue to use the ‘outlawed, and banned ’ materials.

Williams and colleague Michael Arntfield, from Western University in Canada, recently published an article on “Homicide Studies.” While they focused somewhat on the ‘Individual Leisure project by mass murders, they also looked at relevant literature on the different types of massacres and underlying themes for each type. Through their research, they were able to suggest that this was a leisure retirement project of sorts, with similar personal benefits often found in legitimate leisure projects.

According to Williams: “A lot of mass murderers want to get power or revenge on a particular group of people, or sometimes society generally—they are ‘collectors of injustices,’” Williams said. “Their perceptions of somehow being treated unfairly build up over time, they fantasize about a potential crime of retribution, and the fantasy eventually is operationalized and becomes their actual leisure project. Planning and executing revenge and gaining power is fun for them, and that is when it becomes a leisure pursuit.”

Overall, that frightens me more than a little. Thinking that individuals and people many of which compose the Worst People in the WORLD here, are greedily and leisurely planning as projects the continued destruction of both our University and the good innocent children and people the Radioactive City.

Regarding revenge, and ‘collectors of injustices:’ There sure are a lot of candidates frustrated throughout the years for losing love ones to cancer. And now others learning of the for cancering their pets. We know it’s not a church plot. But some of the people in it? And others simple led astray by so called leaders of greed. One thing we all should know: It’s Killing Us Softly! And more than with just a song named “City of Sorrows” by musician Andrew H.

And all this for what? It’s fun? It’s something to do? I want to be part of the 1%? “I’m evil because I can be?” “Don’t bother me dear, I’ll be out with my buddies on the Planning commission working a really interesting and fun project. We’re calling it the North Gate plan.” “Hey, Joe and Heidi! Want to join the Pocatello Uranium Realtor's Association? We do fun projects.---We kill families.”


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