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Showing posts from August, 2017


     PEACEFUL STRUGGLE ...Pocatello, Idaho. Behind the Uranium Curtain - Living With Uranium.

Butter Battle Book

  SAVE THE CHILDREN  (Let the kiddies stay up to watch this classic.) They're at it again.  The most banned Dr Seuss Book of all time! And our fate is in the hands of idiots again. Could give you all of it, but some suspense on whether there is any hope at all can help you keep your mind off of the endless idiocracy coming out of our governments at most every level. In Pocatello, it's mostly Alpha/Beta Radioactivity.
   EXCOMMUNICATED, APOSTASY, SHUNNED.   At 6:00pm today, I face a Mormon disciplinary council on the charge of apostasy. Jesus nor Peter nor John nor Stephen nor Paul ceased in speaking truth because the Sanhedrin required it. Why should it be different today? My prayer is that God will move my weak self out of the way, that he may use me for his purposes only. I did not have to attend. I chose to attend because this council, who will stand in judgment of me, desperately need Jesus. I beg you, please pray that the power of God will precede me, attend me and touch hearts of stone. I just got home. The stake president who is also my accuser, prosecutor and judge read a long list of charges then told me I could make a statement but that I would be limited to five minutes. I objected but he would not budge. So I began bearing a tes timony of Jesus. President Garn Lovell immediately demanded that I leave. I continued speaking for Jesus. They called in ...

Sagebrush Art Festival - Pocatello

  It's That Time Again.  SAGEBRUSH ARTS FESTIVAL Location: Idaho State University campus Pocatello, Idaho (West) Event Dates: 8/26/17 - 8/27/17

The People's Voice: 3 Minutes of Democracy - Idaho Lorax Speaks for the ...

  And the "WORST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD" Countdown continues. Idaho Lorax speaks for the children at a Pocatello City Council meeting in Pocatello, Idaho. Idaho exposes the nuclear ionizing particle uranium isotope series contamination in air-borne fall-out form -- Meteorological Fallout. When will the "Do Not Tell" policy and Cover-up stop in Pocatello, Idaho?

School Gets Nuked! New Horizon School nuclear contamination - Result of ...

THE "WORST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD" ---And the Countdown Continues  One week left.  Who is it gonna be? Did you place your bets?  #1, #2,  or #3.. Or all three?! Join the Idaho Eclipse Countdown to the Worst People in the World. #Pocatello #PocatelloValleyVoice #PVVUS #Uranium #UraniumFever #IdahoEclipse #LivingWithUranium #PocatelloSchoolDistrict #GovenorOtter #IDEQ #WhatEverItTakes #SIPH #ContaminatedChildren #Pocashima #Chubnobyl #Radioactivity #IdahoSuperfund #MAD #MothersAgainstDeath

Radium Rain by Bruce Cockburn

  In Pocashima and Cubnobyl, Idaho it rains the entire Uranium decay chain - uranium-238 series: astatine, bismuth, lead, polonium, protactinium, radium, radon, thallium, and thorium.  AND the "actinium series" or "plutonium cascade" beginning with the naturally-occurring isotope U-235, this decay series includes: actinium, astatine, bismuth, francium, lead, polonium, protactinium, radium, radon, thallium, and thorium. "AND the thorium series" or "thorium cascade" beginning with naturally occurring thorium-232, this series includes: actinium, bismuth, lead, polonium, radium, radon and thallium. And they all end up as lead... And LUDS Disease.    Welcome to the Idaho Eclipse.

Gary Kerness: the Movie - Elderly Abuse in Pocatello

  Justice well fought for! Gary Kerness wins dismissal of all 10 cases!     Another win in Pocatello regarding Elderly Abuse! One year ago,  Now onward to the Sequel!


This video is about the Chronicles of Gary Kerness, his trial and tribulations to seek justice not only for himself, but others abused by government.

Jefferson Street Uranium Contamination - Alameda Park

Jefferson Street Uranium Contamination Alameda Park Neighborhood (Part 1) Another in the Educational and informative series of "LIVING With URANIUM" takes you on a short stop on Jefferson Street to document another Uranium Contamination site on Jefferson Street Pocatello, also known for the infamous Jefferson Street Corner site and location of the Tendoy Elementary School and LDS Alameda Stake contamination site. The site of loose airborne nuclear contamination by deadly Uranium materials of our elementary School Children by both School District #25 Board of Trustees, and mayor Brian Blad who both knowingly and willfully allows the continued contamination of our children. Our only advise is to sue for the misprision unlawful use, sale, and exposure of these deadly cancer giving materials to your children.

Uranium for Lunch -Tendoy Elelemtary School Nuclear Contamination Hearin...

Uranium for Lunch, features the Mayor Brian Blad - Nuremberg Candidate for Crimes Against Humanity, Brain Blad, willfully and knowingly continues to allow Uranium to contaminate elementary children, and even his affiliate LDS Alameda Stake Center. Idaho Lorax, reporter and public figure, helping to protect the children and delivering compensation to cancer victims for the FMC Nuclear Contamination Superfund

Idaho Loraxs Speaks - Ninja Beaver and Magpie Waters

Idaho Lorax Speaks: Revenge of the Ninja Beaver with Magpie Waters discussing our Keystone Species--the beaver. #Pocatello #LeaveItToBeaver #Beaver IdahoLorax #IdahoLoraxSpeaks #IdahoEclipse #MagpieWaters #Commun ityTV #NinjaBeaver #WatershedGardians #KeyStoneSpecies 

Living with Uranium - Nuclear Fallout - Pocatello/Chubuck, Idaho

Millions of tons on Eastern Idaho Cities!

Idaho Lorax Speaks - Blood Moon Nuclear Contamination: "Sick and Evil Pe...


Uranium is NOT My Friend